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Mainly found in muscle meat

The term carnitine is derived from the Latin carnis (meat). It is a sulphur-containing amino acid that is primarily found in meat and other foods of animal origin. Meat, poultry, fish and dairy products are certainly the richest sources; fruit, vegetables or cereals contain relatively little of it. On average, about 75% of the L-carnitine present in the human body comes from food, but the body can also form L-carnitine itself from the amino acids L-lysine and L-methionine. Necessary cofactors are vitamins C and B6, as well as niacin and iron.


Important in Energy metabolism

L-carnitine plays an essential role in energy metabolism. In order for the body to gain energy from fats, the fatty acids must be transported into the mitochondria, the tiny power plants in the cells. In the mitochondria, the fatty acids are burned, producing energy. However, the long-chain fatty acids cannot penetrate the mitochondrial membrane on their own. This is where L-carnitine comes into play as a carrier; it attaches itself to the fatty acids and thus transports them into the mitochondria and is thus a key substance for fat burning. In connection with physical activity, an increased fat burning can be observed; accumulated body fat can thus be converted into energy with the help of L-carnitine

Supporting weight loss

L-carnitine is mainly produced in the liver and kidneys, but it is stored in the skeletal muscles. In conjunction with a suitable diet and exercise, the intake of L-carnitine can help to reduce body weight by supporting the maintenance of muscles and at the same time promoting the reduction of fat reserves.