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Amaro Vida – New product with bitter substances in drop form

Our latest product is not a ‘bitter pill’, because bitter substances are good for digestion and health! Admittedly, a bitter flavour is not usually love at first sight. The modern industrial diet contains significantly fewer bitter substances compared to a diet that was common centuries ago. Bitter substances have largely been bred out of our food. We are no longer used to the bitter flavour and therefore don’t like it, at least not at first.

However, we can get our taste buds used to the almost lost flavour again and develop a new love for bitterness. We would do well to do so, as bitter flavours are good for our digestion and our health. Amaro Vida combines fresh spring water and an herbal extract from 14 different bitter plants to create naturally produced drops of bitter herbs.

An extract of bitter herbs can

  • promote the flow of saliva,
  • stimulate the production of gastric juice,
  • stimulate the production of bile
  • stimulate intestinal activity
  • and reduce the craving for sweets.

Amaro Vida Amaro Vida contains an ethanolic herbal extract of 14 bitter herbs, is vegan and contains no sugar, sweeteners, additives, colourings or preservatives.

Find out more about Amaro Vida! Amaro Vida will soon be available in the EU.