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Positive effects in the body

Beta-glucans belong to the long-chain polysaccharides (multiple sugars) and are classified as dietary fibres. They occur naturally in the cell walls of cereals (e.g. oats), yeasts, bacteria, algae and fungi (e.g. Reishi). Beta-glucans are said to have many positive effects in the human body, and scientific studies are constantly bringing new findings to light. For example, beta-glucans have an effect on fat metabolism, which can help with cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure. The swelling of the indigestible dietary fibres leads to a faster feeling of satiety, which helps to counteract overweight.

Immune system

Beta-glucan can also have a positive influence on intestinal health, which not only has a positive effect on digestion, but also on the immune system, which is closely linked to the intestines. Beta-glucan strengthens the immune system by activating macrophages (“scavenger cells”), which fight pathogens. This effect is not only interesting in cases of susceptibility to infections, but also in cases of allergies and autoimmune diseases. In addition, beta-glucan can regulate the blood sugar level, which is especially desirable for people with type 2 diabetes.

Beta-Glucan gut für das Immunsystem
Immune system in balance