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Proteins are better known in common parlance as proteins. They consist of large molecules, which in turn consist of numerous different building blocks. The totality of all proteins occurring in a living being is called the proteome (for example, the proteome of humans)

Amino acids are important building blocks of every protein. According to scientific findings, there are a total of 20 known amino acids in every human body. Of these, eight acids are essential for the body’s survival, as they cannot be produced independently. Usually, these amino acids are supplied to the body through the intake of food. Foods with a high protein content include fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts and legumes

The so-called peptides are the smallest proteins and consist of only two amino acids. The largest protein, on the other hand, consists of 30,000 amino acids. These are found in such large quantities in the muscle protein titin, for example. Apart from the respective function in the body, a protein must have a certain minimum size in order to be able to meet the corresponding requirements. If, for example, it is a question of our body being able to fulfil a certain hormone function, small dipeptides are already sufficient

The function of an enzyme requires between 50 and 100 amino acids. The most abundant proteins in the body consist of between 100 and 300 amino acids. Competitive athletes usually have a much higher demand for proteins in order to sustainably promote or maintain muscle growth. In this context, nutritional intake is an elementary component for optimal performance

In our cells there are the so-called ribosomes, which produce amino acids. These are assembled into body proteins by the proteins from ingested food. This ensures both the building and maintenance of muscles as well as other important components of every body in the long term

Miriam Bollier

Miriam Bollier

Works with a passion for image and text in marketing & communication. Loves her job and enjoys discovering the hidden treasures of nature. Mother of two little sports fans and always on the move herself. Enjoys the chaotic and beautiful family life. Enthusiastic about people, good food, the Swiss mountains and other beautiful things in life.