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IHHT locations for the Protect Energy Protocol

Here you will find all IHHT locations that participate in the PEP protocol. You can redeem your IHHT voucher, which you purchased with a PEP package, at these addresses. Depending on the provider, there may be an additional charge for the medical history (initial consultation) and/or mask.

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18 Ergebnis(se)
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Kategorie: IHHT, Praxis
Adresse: Im Schlittental 3, 8962 Bergdietikon
Telefon: +41 44 741 06 91

Kategorie: IHHT, Praxis
Adresse: Dorfplatz 8, 3150 Schwarzenburg
Telefon: +41 31 331 72 87

Kategorie: IHHT, Praxis
Adresse: Bankstrasse 2, 8570 Weinfelden
Telefon: +41 71 622 17 66

Kategorie: IHHT, Praxis
Adresse: Oberlandstrasse 98, 8610 Uster
Telefon: +41 44 940 66 10

Kategorie: IHHT, Praxis
Adresse: Tittwiesenstrasse 61, 7000 Chur
Telefon: +41 81 511 22 04

Kategorie: IHHT, Praxis
Adresse: Wiesentalstrasse 8h, 8962 Bergdietikon
Telefon: +41 79 576 11 52

The Protect Energy Protocol (PEP)

The PEP protocol was developed to holistically strengthen and support the psyche, nerves, immune system and energy metabolism. It combines herbal vital substances with IHHT (Interval Hypoxia Hyperoxia Therapy), a highly effective training for energy metabolism at cellular level. The protocol lasts 2 months and is available in 4 versions:

PEP Protocol Basic

The basic package with 10x IHHT therapy and 2x Recovery Box. For psyche and nerves!

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PEP protocol Energy

The energy package with 10x IHHT therapy and 2x Recovery Box, NADH Vida, Amino Vida and Q10 Vida. For the psyche, nerves and energy metabolism!

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PEP protocol Immune

The immune package with 10x IHHT therapy and 2x each Recovery Box and Omega-3 Vida as well as 1x each Vitamin D3 Vida and Zinc Vida. For the psyche, nerves and immune system!

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PEP Protocol Professional

The complete package with 10x IHHT therapy and 2x each Recovery Box, NADH Vida, Amino Vida, Q10 Vida, Omega-3 Vida and 1x each Vitamin D3 Vida and Zinc Vida. For the psyche, nerves, immune system and energy metabolism!

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