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Relief for neurodermitis

I have suffered with neurodermitis for 25 years. I am already on my second course of cortisone for this year because my eczema has spread, and I have not been able to control it with all the different cortisone ointments I have. Now even a part of my face is affected, and this is very unpleasant especially in public because it was so noticeable. After a short time of completing my cortisone tablets, my skin unfortunately returned to its unpleasant state. I noticed that my dermatologist has now arrived at the end of his rope. So, I used the cortisone ointment again but increased the dosage dramatically, hoping it will work. To add insult to injury, I also suffer from hay fever and sneezing, especially in the morning but this settles down as the day progresses.

A friend recommended Artemisia Cream to me. So, I ordered Aronia Vida, Artemisia Cream and Aronia Hand Cream. I have now been taking 3 capsules of Aronia daily for a few days and use the creams very regularly and I am glad to say my skin is almost healthy again. No more eczema, no more itching, I feel I have a completely new body! It is very obvious that my skin is healing. An added bonus is my hay fever and sneezing has also disappeared. I now feel comfortable in my skin. This is quality of life!



Mirjam22 is passionate about writing informative and helpful content. Mirjam22 hasn't provided personal information yet, but it will be available here soon.

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